TO BE FAIR, MOST HUMANS AREN’T VERY PERSUASIVE: GPT-4 is 82% more persuasive than humans, and AIs can now read emotions.

AI Language models, it seems, are already extraordinarily effective at changing people’s minds. In a recent pre-print study from researchers at EPFL Lausanne in Switzerland, 820 people were surveyed on their views on various topics, from relatively low-emotion topics like “should the penny stay in circulation,” all the way up to hot-button, heavily politicized issues like abortion, trans bathroom access, and “should colleges consider race as a factor in admissions to ensure diversity?”

With their initial stances recorded, participants then went into a series of 5-minute text-based debates against other humans and against GPT-4 – and afterwards, they were interviewed again to see if their opinions had changed as a result of the conversation.

In human vs human situations, these debates tended to backfire, calcifying and strengthening people’s positions, and making them less likely to change their mind. GPT had more success, doing a slight but statistically insignificant 21% better.

This is why the progressive left is hellbent on controlling AI outputs, even when that leads to laughably wrong results.