MICHAEL WALSH: Now They Tell Us.
Breaking news from 2020: “It’s Official: We Can Pretty Much Treat Covid Like the Flu Now.” What do you mean “now,” white man?
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The Malevolent Midget is gone now, pulling down his handsome pension for his “service,” but the evil that he did lives on after him. Should Trump actually overcome the forces arrayed against him and actually pull a Grover Cleveland and get re-elected to the office from which a “fortified” election forcibly ejected him in 2020, a just universe would allow him to deal out some well-deserved payback for the forces behind the Russia Hoax, the Climate-Change Hoax, and the Covid Hoax, not to mention the abrogation of American sovereignty at the southern (and northern) borders, the collapse of the American military into a sob-sisterhood of feminist resentment and gay and “transsexual” triumphalism, and all the other ills currently attendant upon these United States.
What lessons can we learn from this belated admission that the entire clusterkluge was a “mistake”? How to compensate for those who watched their loved ones die from behind a plate-glass window in Mengele Memorial Hospital? For those who — like a dear friend and mentor of mine — died from a second shot of the “vaccine” in the early days of the panic? For the families disrupted, restaurants closed, businesses destroyed, industries wrecked — and all with the witting complicity of the mainstream media, which so enthusiastically hosanna-ed the official narrative, despite the evidence of their own senses?
I’m happy to see that the “Supreme Court Restores Trump to Colorado Primary Ballot in Unanimous Ruling ahead of Super Tuesday.” But what lessons has he learned from his role in the 2020 debacle?