DISPATCHES FROM THE “IT’S DIFFERENT WHEN WE DO IT” PARTY: Suddenly, Politico Discovers DC’s ‘Ugliest Protest Trend’ When Blinken’s Targeted.

When the far-left protests outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, the media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) think that’s freedom of speech in action. The Washington Post published a puff piece on a woman disturbing the peace outside Brett Kavanaugh’s home: “We’re about to get doomsday, so I’m not going to be civil to that man at all.” The Trump era made disturbing conservative dinners at restaurants a tactic that’s “not going away.”

But turn the target around to Biden’s Secretary of State, and Politico on Friday found an “ugly” protest trend: 

Antony Blinken’s Family Is the Latest Target of Washington’s Ugliest Protest Trend

Yelling at Antony Blinken’s kids does not help Gazan children.

And? Saul Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals for leftists to target the earlier generation of earnest FDR-style liberals in the early 1970s; his rules are simply being aimed in his intended direction once again.

In any case, as Kurt Schlichter has warned: Liberals May Regret Their New Rules.