TIME FOR ACTION: Time To Punish Iran’s Ayatollah Regime For Its War On The World

Since the 1990s, Iran’s Khomeinist regime has waged a global Aryan nationalist holy war.

Iran is Aryanistan. Land of the Aryans. Check it out. The Iran Aryans despise Semites; Arabs and Jews are Semites. Ishmael, Arab progenitor, was a son of Abraham. That’s one deep reason Donald Trump’s Abraham Accords had traction.

Khomeinist refers to followers of Khomeinism, the violent ideology of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini who toppled the Shah in 1979. Khomeini was a bitter old man who liked to write love-laced pleasure-enthused Persian poetry when he wasn’t despising Western civilization.

Failed artist turning to revolution — that’s a deadly history. Karl Marx was a failed German poet. Marx wanted to be Novalis (a brilliant German Romantic poet and polymath — check him out). Adolf Hitler (a self-proclaimed Aryan Fuhrer) was a failed painter. I’m told Khomeini’s poems are ersatz Omar Khayyam but at times show signs of merit.


At some point, the Iranian regime itself must suffer a heavy and deadly military blow.

One option: a “simultaneous strategic bombing strike” (SSBS, first described by StrategyPage.com in 2003). In a short time frame, aircraft, cruise missiles, drones and perhaps ballistic missiles with conventional warheads deliver hundreds of precision weapons, hitting regime nuclear targets, Iranian Al-Quds special forces and Revolutionary Guard command and control facilities, air defense sites, ballistic missile sites and intelligence agency facilities.

Of course, the President must give the order…

RELATED: Houthi Smack Down. (Podcast)