21st CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: Owner of world’s first AI brothel blames ‘white men’ for stereotypical-looking sex dolls.

The owner of a brothel that utilizes artificial intelligence claims that sex is moving in the direction of virtual reality and the “digital world.” The business, which also incorporates sex dolls, also shrugged off criticism that its dolls depict stereotypes of women by attributing their creation to “white men.”

Cybrothel, operating out of Berlin, Germany, combines the use of AI and virtual reality to connect its clients with its neo-prostitutes. This means that the brothel does not have traditional, human sex workers, but rather a series of sex dolls that are supplemented with virtual reality pornography featuring those very same dolls.

Bimbo, Kokeshi, and Ms. Schmidt are some of the dolls’ names, the New York Postreported, with users also having the option to engage in AI-generated conversations with the dolls’ personas.

“If you are here, the only person who can judge you is yourself,” co-owner Matthias Smetana said. “We have a lot of people who have never been in touch with sex work, who are really down to try it but are looking for a safe space. If you face performance anxiety, this doesn’t go in Cybrothel as you are dealing with sex toys, not humans.”

No word if notorious robophobe Matthew Yglesias has commented on this story yet.