THIS IS A BIG F**KING DEAL: Biden Calls Netanyahu a ‘Bad F**king Guy.’ “Current and former Biden aides who have witnessed and been on the receiving end of such outbursts” say that he tends to scream abuse (Axios calls them “admonitions”) on the order of ‘G** d***it, how the f**k don’t you know this?!,’ ‘Don’t f**king bullsh*t me!’ and ‘Get the f**k out of here!’”

UPDATE (From Ed): This leak (if it actually happened) is likely aimed at propping up Joe’s far left, anti-Israeli base. Recall in 2014 when Obama stenographer Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic was handed the similar story that “anonymous White House officials called the prime minister of Israel ‘chickenshit,’” which surely played equally well with Obama-Biden voters.

By the way, a juxtaposition (not by me) from back in the day for comparison:


(Updated and bumped.)