DON’T GET COCKY: Stunning NBC Poll: Biden Presidency ‘in Peril, Declined on Every Measure.’

Illegal immigration has been widely deemed the No. 1 voting issue, according to exit polls in the early GOP primary states.

“What is most concerning is the erosion of Biden’s standing against Trump compared to four years ago,” Democrat pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates told NBC News.

“On every measure compared to 2020, Biden has declined. Most damning, the belief that Biden is more likely to be up to the job — the chief tenet of the Biden candidacy — has evaporated.”

The numbers look great now for Trump and “difficult” for the incumbent going into the heart of the 2024 primary cycle, according to Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies.

“It is hard to imagine a more difficult set of numbers before a reelection,” McInturff told NBC News.

With 73% of registered voters say the U.S. is on the wrong track under Biden, the only silver lining for the sitting president and Horwitt is there remains time to turn the numbers back around.

With what, mass hypnosis?