Lorenz’s current employer is the Washington Post, which also shed a lot of its staff late last year – despite, as Lorenz points out, having the potentially limitless financial backing of ‘billionaires’. Four years ago, the Washington Post had to pay out a whopping $250million to a schoolboy it falsely accused of being a racist. It was later revealed that the teenager, Nicholas Sandmann, was actually the victim of harassment. He was widely condemned in the media, which assumed, because he was wearing a MAGA cap and was anti-abortion, that he must have been the bad guy, without bothering to check the facts.

Despite this and many other instances of journalistic malfeasance, Lorenz thinks Americans should feel really, really sorry for the poor old* mainstream media.

Watching this once-vital part of American public life crumble before our eyes is undoubtedly alarming. But far more alarming has been the depths of the self-delusion and corruption into which the American media have sunk in recent years.

This is what Lorenz gets most wrong in her impassioned little speech. She seems to imply that journalists deserve special protection because they are so darn virtuous. Their jobs are so important. When, in reality, the mainstream media have outraged and alienated at least half of the American population. Mainstream journalists have been the main purveyor of government disinformation on topics ranging from Russiagate to the origins of Covid-19 to the culture war. They treat ordinary Americans as akin to domestic terrorists if they do not want boys in girls’ school bathrooms. Far too many media professionals exist in privileged bubbles and make their contempt for regular people – who they never tire of stereotyping as racist, sexist, homophobic mouthbreathers – abundantly clear.

And now we should feel sorry for them? It’s a little late for that.

Indeed. As John Nolte writes, in a post titled, “Left-Wing Media Collapse Marches On — Vice, BuzzFeed Sell Off Parts:”

A mere four years ago, Vice [Media] purchased Refinery29 for — wait for it, wait for it — $400 million. So Vice paid $400 million for Refinery29 in 2019, and now Vice itself is valued at less than that, at $350 million.

This is the not-so-slow-motion collapse of an ideology and attitude.

At long last, this young, ignorant, smarter-than-thou, know-it-all, effete, smug way of delivering news and lifestyle content has run its course. People are sick of the attitude, sick of being lied to, sick of being told how to live, how to speak, what to believe, and what does and does not make you virtuous.

The left’s rotting corpse institutions, including the media, Hollywood, and academia, are all facing an overdue reckoning. Take notice because these are joyous times.

* By the way, how old does Lorenz think that the DNC-MSM is these days?  ‘The Entire Journalism Industry Is In Freefall:’ Taylor Lorenz Vlogs The Death Of MSM As BuzzFeed, Insider And Vice Jettison Assets.

Opining on the sad state of journalism is Jeff Bezos’s vocal-fry champion,Taylor Lorenz, who said this week that “The entire journalism industry is basically in a free-fall,” and that the LA Times’ woes follow “months and months of layoffs in the media industry.”

“And it’s not just digital media sites,” she continues. “Local news has been obliterated, the newspaper industry is cratering, radio is essentially dead – aside from NPR which has been gutted.

Radio is dead? Area spinster apparently morns loss of Guy Lombardo, Benny Goodman and other big bands on AM radio. Otherwise, that must be big news to the millions of talk radio listeners, even after the death of Rush Limbaugh in 2021: