NEO: The left and the Palestinians: Part I – The Soviets.

A great many people seem surprised that the left is so strongly allied with the Palestinians, and are their main champions in the West. After all, the two groups would seem antithetical on a host of important values. The left claims to support the rights of LGBTQ people and yet the Palestinians are downright hostile to them – as well as to sexual freedom in general and women’s rights, which are other purported leftist causes. Many leftists are anti-religion as well, whereas a very restrictive form of Islam prevails among most Palestinians.

And yet the alliance between the left and the Palestinians is not only there, but it goes way back. Take a look at this, written in 2003 by a Romanian named Ion Mihai Pacepa, head of intelligence there who had defected to the West. He describes a very direct connection between the Soviets and the Palestinians [emphasis mine]:

Read the whole thing.