People who are in the United States without explicit permission, who arenon-citizens, have an extensive set of rights. The people who are paying for them have an extensive set of obligations.

This puts things rather clearly:

Students at a Brooklyn high school were kicked out of the classroom to make room for nearly 2,000 migrants who were evacuated from a controversial tent shelter due to a monster storm closing in on the Big Apple.

The city made the move amid concerns that a massive migrant tent at Floyd Bennett Field would collapse from torrential rains and gusting winds — packing them instead into the second-floor gym at James Madison High School five miles away.

The school’s neighbors were not keen on the last-minute decision.

LOL, as they say, at that last one. As if that’s going to make a difference. You could have a majority – say, 51% – of the locals disagree with this, but going along with their objections would be mob rule, not Our Democracy.

The students will now “attend” “class” “remotely,” which consists of completing an assignment given by the teacher. No actual lectures.

As a thought exercise, imagine another era where A) there wasn’t a constant stream of unvetted people entering the country and being distributed around and given benefits, because it was difficult to enter the country illegally, and those who did so were not facilitated in any way by the government, and B) the idea of suspending school because non-citizens need the building would be met with incomprehension by people of many political opinions. Not the Reds, who would regard any largess given to non-citizens as useful and just, but everyone else.

I’m trying to imagine Ed Koch reacting to the proposal.

Okay, here you go: Democrats Are Worried Immigration Could Sink Biden. The story quoted above is quite a way for the Biden administration to begin the election year. Oh wait, did I just say, “The story quoted above?” But wait, there’s more!, as the ’70s era commercial announcer would declare: “This isn’t just happening in Brooklyn (which voted 75% for Joe Biden),” Ace of Spades adds. “As the Federalist points out, American children are being sacrificed to prioritize the Newer and Better Americans all across the country.