JIM TREACHER: Protesters Are Dumb.

So a bunch of protesters blocked a bunch of stuff yesterday. They’re outraged that the Jews are allowed to exist, and they want to ruin your day over it.

In New York City, they blocked bridges and tunnels. This guy wasn’t having it.

Look at those woke white women trying to tell a black man his business.

What in the world does this guy have to do with Israel? How does it help “Palestine,” a country that doesn’t even exist, to keep him from his family?

And why would you imagine that buying a reflective vest makes you a cop?

Because that’s all these people are: wannabe cops. They think they should be in charge of everything. They should be telling the rest of us what to do and say. They’re nothing but half-assed fascists.

Related: And they’re Biden approved, not surprisingly! Talk About Passion:

President Biden paid tribute to “the passion” of pro-Hamas protesters in his campaign event at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston yesterday. The White House denominated the speech a “political event” in the transcript of Biden’s remarks. C-SPAN has posted video of the event here. Biden is introduced by his political savior, Rep. James Clyburn, and begins speaking at about 8:00.

I didn’t think the IRS blessed political events in churches. See the IRS note here. Perhaps I misunderstand, or perhaps the church is availing itself of the Hunter Biden exception to enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code.

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Around the same time yesterday a passionate dad fought through pro-Hamas protesters blocking the Williamsburg Bridge. The Daily Mail has a good account here. The New York Post covers it here. The Post editors dub him “Angry Mr. Brooklyn” and toast him as “the new hero of New York.” You won’t be hearing much about the dad’s passion from Biden, but this dad won the day.

More: US police arrest 325 anti-Israel protesters blocking New York City tunnel, bridges.

The ubiquity of social media should make it quite easy for the NYPD to arrest plenty more, if they want to.