AMAZING: WaPo Reporter Does Exactly What Vivek Predicted in His Terrific Takedown of Lib Media Tactics.

Yesterday, Ramasamy told the WaPo’s Meryl Kornfield:

I’m not gonna recite some catechism for you. I’m against vicious racial discrimination in this country, so I’m not pledging allegiance to your new religion of modern wokeism which actually fits the test. I’m not going to bend the knee to your religion. I’m not asking you to bend the knee to mine. I’m not going to bend the knee to yours. Do I condemn vicious racial discrimination? Yes, I do. Am I gonna play your silly game of gotcha? No, I’m not.

And frankly, this is why people have lost trust, and I know you’re going to go print the headline tomorrow, I already know this, we already know how your game works. “Vivek Ramaswamy refuses to condemn white supremacy” because I know how your game works.

The reality is that I condemn vicious racial discrimination in this country but the kind of vicious and systematic racism that we see today is discrimination on the basis of race in a very different direction.

You wanna know what the best way is to end discrimination on the basis of race. Stop discriminating on the basis of race. Do that and we’re going to move this country forward.  And I don’t care whether you’re black or white or brown, or anything in between. That’s how we’re going to unite this country.

You people have been responsible for dividing this country to a breaking point, creating a projection of national division. I meet people from the South Side of Chicago to meetings like this one, of every shade of melanin, from man to woman — doesn’t make a difference — who are hungry for reviving unity in this country. And you with your catechism that you try to get politicians to whatever fake headline you’re going to print on the basis of this conversation tomorrow.  That’s what’s dividing this country to a breaking point. Shame on you. Look people in the eye and tell them what you’ve actually failed to tell them for the last five years. Own the accountability for your own failures as the media. That’s how we rebuild trust in this country. And until then, I don’t have a lot of patience to play the games.

“So can you guess what happened next?” As an earlier Republican might have said to Kornfield, “Well, there you go again:”

Now, if you hadn’t seen the video and just listened to what she said you would think that he hadn’t condemned white supremacy when the whole gist of everything he said was against discrimination. So pushing this is just pushing narrative propaganda. She knows what he truly said, but that doesn’t matter to her.

Community Notes wasn’t having any of this, calling what the WaPo reporter said “disingenuous.”

This is a disingenuous framing of the exchange. He condemned all forms of racism, but refused to participate in a clear “gotcha” moment by the journalist.

This was what Vivek predicted that the reporter would do. Not only did he deliver the perfect takedown of this hack reporter and completely own her, but he called it big time. Could the media be any more disgusting, predictable, biased, or hilarious than this? And they wonder why we don’t trust them. This is one example of why. He said she was going to do it, calling her out in advance and still she couldn’t help herself. What does that say about how low they’ll go? They truly have no shame.

Democracy dies in gaslighting, to paraphrase the motto of Jeff Bezo’s opinion paper.