THE IRONY, IT BURNS: Just The News is reporting a strong possibility that FISA’s warrantless search provision (Section 702) so favored by the Deep State going back to the W. Bush administration and embraced by the Obama and Biden DOJ may be biting Hunter Biden — and possibly the President — in the hiney.

Court records from the criminal case of Biden associate Patrick Ho, who is now in the pokey for money laundering, show the FBI and Justice Department gathered evidence under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) from around the time when Hunter Biden and his uncle James were dealing with Ho and fellow CEFC officials.

“This is certainly interesting information. We will pursue every piece of evidence that relates to Hunter Biden and his father. If there are FISA intercepts, it is something we should try to get,” said Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., a member of the House Judiciary Committee that is part of the impeachment process and the chairman of its surveillance subcommittee.”

CEFC, you may remember, channeled millions of dollars to Hunter and his uncle James, much of which was proven by the House Select Committee on Oversight to end up directly in the President’s pocket.

This idiotic talking point that “there is no evidence” makes the Adam Schiffs and Chuck Schumers out there look more disingenuous than ever. I think the only people falling for this gaslighting are within their ever-shrinking bubble of supporters.

But that’s just me.