On Monday, journalist Taylor Lorenz shared a story about The New York Times’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas war and explicitly stated that the newspaper only allows right-wing opinions to be showcased in its publication.

The piece Lorenz shared blasts the Gray Lady as alt-right for condemning antisemitism and Hamas while noting “the left-wing tilt of higher education is not only wrong but dangerous.”

We here at Not The Bee have covered many of these right-wing moments at The New York Times, such as the instance where The Times lamented the lack of “kink” in The Little Mermaid remake.

There was also the story where the NYT promoted the traditionally conservative value of polyamorous sexual relationships.

The alt-right paper is also known for it’s very conservative headline about elections being bad for democracy.

Far more so than Woodward and Bernstein and Watergate, we must give credit to the WaPo’s Lorenz for finally exposing one of the greatest and carefully crafted long cons in American history:

● In the 1930s, Timesman Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer for whitewashing Stalin’s terror famine in Ukraine.

● In 1953, the Times published an obituary for Joseph Stalin which should be in the dictionary as the very definition of “fawning:” Stalin Rose From Czarist Oppression to Transform Russia Into Mighty Socialist State.

● More recently, then-editor “Pinch” Sulzberger was quoted by New York magazine as saying in 1991, “[A]lienating older white male readers means ‘we’re doing something right.'”

● It was during that era that former Timesman Peter Boyer described the atmosphere in Sulzberger’s newsroom as “moderate white men should die,” according to William McGowan in his exceptional 2010 book Gray Lady Down. The following decade, then-editor Howell Raines, who was responsible for serial fabulist Jayson Blair joining the paper’s staff, described his preference towards diversity over a quality product in a classic Kinsley gaffe: “This [hiring] campaign has made our staff better and, more importantly, more diverse.”

● In 2004, the Gray Lady’s then-ombudsman Daniel Okrent famously wrote, “Is the New York Times a Liberal Newspaper? Of course it is.”

●This past October: NYT: A Week Later, Hamas “Fails to Make Case” that Israel Struck Hospital; UPDATE: “Editors Note”?

Marry yourselves to terrorists in haste, repent at leisure? The New York Times has all but redefined ‘leisure’ in this old axiom with its ever-so-slow retreat from its initial report that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza.

A week ago, the NYT and every other American media outlet swallowed that Hamas claim without question while sourcing it from “Gaza’s health ministry. Even after Israel provided video of the failed rocket launch by Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and radio communications from Hamas confirming the incident as friendly fire, American news media declared that the IDF hadn’t “proven” their case.

Now, a week later, the ‘Paper of Record’ grudgingly admits that the claim came from Hamas and never did have any evidence supporting it. The headline itself is a marvel in the annals of modified limited hangouts (via Power Line):

As America’s Newspaper of Record reported in mid-October: New York Times Patiently Awaiting Zoom Call From Hamas To See What They Should Print Today.

That’s nearly a century of subterfuge, as the Times spent article after article building a nearly impenetrable false front that it was a leftist “Progressive” newspaper. Fortunately, one woman at the Washington Post has finally managed to crack one of the greatest and most brilliantly conceived scams in journalistic history