WARD CLARK: Colorado Eyes Reintroduction of Wolverines.

Here’s a question for the governor: Why? What will Colorado gain that will make this expenditure worthwhile? Even assuming a successful reintroduction, which is far from certain, the wolverine is not only a wilderness animal but a very secretive one. Even here in Alaska, where we almost certainly have more wolverines than the contiguous 48 combined, as the 48 have somewhere between 25 to 300 wolverines in total, hard numbers on an elusive animal like this are near-impossible to obtain. But Alaska and Canada have wolverine populations estimated in the thousands, and Canada has plenty of wolverine habitat, as does Alaska.

That brings up a somewhat obvious question: Why, then, spend taxpayer dollars to bring wolverines into a Southwestern state where the habitat is marginal when there are healthy populations farther north?

So city folk can lord it over the rubes in the sticks.