It is sometimes noted that in the 1960s, only about 5 percent of the college-age population were participants in the anti-war movement and the large protests they organized. (And I’ve been told by several older Boomer acquaintances that they attended anti-war protests chiefly to meet girls.) My friend John Tamny noted this fact recently, generously citing some of my own work in fact, to suggest the current pro-Hamas protests are unrepresentative and don’t need to be taken that seriously. I disagree; the lesson of the anti-war movement of the 1960s—which by rapid degrees became an anti-American movement (remember “Amerikkka”)—is that it only takes a determined minority to de-range the politics and culture of a nation, with baleful results. Back in the 1960s the liberal establishment was befuddled by the New Left and didn’t know how to respond, so it mostly capitulated. Seems the same thing is happening today after October 7. In the face of a demented, deranged left, our liberal establishment is once again calling for “dialogue.”

Unlike the 1960s though, the CCP has a tool to directly influence millions of impressionable young Americans: TikTok made Gen Z pro-Palestine.