One way to begin to understand this more clearly is to think about the popular meme that shows a glowering Trump (my favor[ite] kind of Trump) with the legend, “It’s not me they’re after—it’s you. I’m just in the way.” We can paraphrase this by saying, “It’s not Israel we’re after—it’s the entire project of Western civilization. Israel is just in the way.” It is not for nothing that Iran, for example, has been calling the United States “the great Satan” for 40 years now. If they were to succeed in destroying Israel, we know who would be the next primary target.

John has already posted the video I include again at the end here because I want to add the question: If Israel/Gaza is the issue, then why are these protestors going to such trouble to take down the American flag?  (On Veteran’s Day, no less.) I think we all know why perfectly well.

Here’s more photo evidence, from a London protest:

Exit quote: “Just more reminders that the issue is not the issue.”