YOU CAN’T “PRETEND” AWAY SEVERE DISABILITY:  Amy S.F. Lutz is talking sense over at WaPo:  It is asinine to pretend that a severely autistic adult could waltz into a job that pays minimum wage or better if only the special Section 14c program, which allows them to be hired for less, were eliminated.  They will be unemployable.

This program doesn’t “take advantage” of severely disabled individuals for profit.  Overwhelming the 14c certificates an employer needs to participate in the program are held by non-profit community rehabilitation organizations.  They are just trying to give severely disabled individuals a little dignity (and their parents a little break.) The 14c program is overwhelmingly supported by the parents of the severely disabled.

I dissented from the report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that Lutz rightly criticizes.  If you haven’t done so already, please take a look at that dissent.  Send it or the Lutz article to your favorite state legislator.   I don’t think I get frustrated all that easily.  But when red state legislators don’t get this and prohibit the program in their state (as some have done), I start wanting to bang my head against the wall … which could eventually make me unemployable.