“ISLAMAPHOBIA?”: A Jewish student attending a pro-Israel rally sponsored by the campus Hillel was punched in the head and kicked in the stomach by a “pro-Palestinian” Turkish Muslim student. The attacker then grabbed the student’s sign and shredded it with a knife. The attacker was duly arrested. The university then issued a statement noting that the attacker’s conduct was “reprehensible, illegal, and unacceptable.” It then added, “Antisemitism, Islamophobia, or any form of bigotry have no place in our community.”

Some have criticized the university for “All Lives Mattering” the victim. But this is much worse. Imagine if after an attack on a black student by a racist white student, the university issued a statement condemning “anti-black racism and all other forms of bigotry.” That’s a version of All Lives Matter, but I don’t find it objectionable to condemn the specific bigotry and issue and then all other bigotry. Imagine instead, though, that the university condemned “anti-black racism, anti-white racism, and all other forms of bigotry.” Why would anyone specifically bring up anti-white racism after a white student attacked a black student? And that’s essentially what UMass did here. But it’s been a deranged progressive tick to be unable to condemn antisemitism without mentioning Islamophobia, regardless of the underlying circumstances.

Bonus?: The mom of the student in question says that she reached out to the university chancellor and “he didn’t care” and that the university has “provided little assistance” to her son while a professor is providing legal assistance to the attacker.