THE PROFESSOR IS RIGHT, YOU KNOW: Glenn’s Substack article describes the wheels coming off the Biden machine, and reporting from elsewhere not only supports that conclusion, but raises other questions.

Just the News dives into the jaw-dropping statement from David Axelrod, and moves the ball forward by noting that:

“Currently, Biden faces several challengers, including author Marianne Williamson and Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips, but none of them appear likely to beat him in the primary.”

Indeed, the Emperor has no clothes.

OK, Marianne Williamson (who did get more votes than Kamala) is a new-age mystical joke, and Phillips reminds me of Pete McCloskey’s quixotic run against Nixon in ’72.

It’s still early, but (not a prediction) the only move I see for the Dems would be to convince Kamala to run for Senate in California on the premise that “they need me” which would clear the decks for a ginned-up groundswell “Draft Newsom” campaign.