SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I TELL YOU!: The thing about gaslighting is that eventually they run out of gas.
People’s Exhibit #2,876: Using the words “disinformation” and “conspiracy theory” are dogwhistles commanding left-leaning readers to ignore a story. By the time the truth comes out — and it always will — they are past caring.
Fortunately, there are some folks who will not forget so easily. JustTheNews reported this morning that “Emails show how feds coalesced around Russia, QAnon to dismiss Hunter Biden laptop.”
“One shared news report came from Axios, which simply referred to “[r]ecent reports about what was purported to be Hunter Biden’s computer hard drive” that have “sparked renewed activity from Q[Anon]” in the form of 16 posts the same day as the Post scoop […] Axios then implied that entertaining the laptop’s authenticity was tantamount to embracing the so-called Pizzagate child sex trafficking theory.”
Paraphrasing The Good Professor: “If you think of mainstream media as DNC stenographers it all makes sense.”