‘F*** JEWS:’ Antisemites Vandalize the Office of Bari Weiss’s Media Outlet.

Vandals wrote a vulgar antisemitic message outside the office of Bari Weiss’s publication the Free Press last week, the latest example in a string of antisemitic incidents that have taken place in American cities and on college campuses since the brutal Hamas attack on Israeli civilians earlier this month.

Weiss, who worked at the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times before launching her own media outlet, revealed Sunday on X that she had discovered the message “F*** Jews” scrawled on the wall outside of her Los Angeles office.

“This was scrawled outside of our offices this week,” she said. “If the antisemites who did this think it will intimidate me and the journalists of @TheFP, they don’t know me, they don’t know us, and they have no idea what we stand for.”

Weiss’s publication is vocally pro-Israel and has taken a stand against the antisemitism that’s flared up in the U.S. since the Hamas attack. She started the Free Press after publicly resigning from role as a writer and editor in the opinion department, citing “bullying by colleagues” and an “illiberal environment.” Some of the bullying she faced, she has revealed, was driven by her unapologetic support for Israel, which is informed by her own Judaism.

If you’re scrawling “f*ck Jews” graffiti on a wall, it’s definitely time to ask yourselves, “Are we the baddies?”