OUT ON A LIMB: Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter 2.0.

The Democrats have a Hamas problem. It is an alliance of the sick, of the ill, as explained by my friend Charles Lipson in his essay “The Sick Alliance between the Left and Muslim Extremists” here.

“The virulent anti-Israel protests across America and Europe throw a glaring light on the bizarre alliance between left-wing activists and militant Muslims,” Lipson writes. “That odd combination has been the bedrock of political activism at universities and in the streets for years. It began in universities, where it now dominates political discourse, threatens Jewish students, and intimidates anyone brave enough to voice their dissent. We can now see how it has spread far beyond the campus.”

Some readers have already sent messages warning me against making  any Biden Carter comparison. If there was a cage match of today’s Biden now, the president who high steps it across short cut grass, and Carter then, only Carter would walk out on his own two feet. Biden is little more than a meat puppet. He will not debate anyone with a brain and lips to speak, let alone sit for hard-ball news interviews. That scripted puff piece by 60 Minutes shouldn’t count. America watched, horrified as he played Israel for campaign photo ops and could barely recite the lines provided to him by his puppet masters. He could barely focus his gaze.

But Biden is too far gone to be actually running the show. Which means, his current and former boss likely is, and as Glenn noted in 2011 in the Washington Examiner: When Jimmy Carter Is your best-case scenario, you’re in trouble. “Meanwhile, on foreign policy — another Carter weak point — Obama also looks worse. Carter blew it with Iran, encouraging the Iranian armed forces to stay in their barracks, while Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s radical Islamists (whom Carter thought of as ‘reformers’) took power, and then approved the ill-conceived hostage rescue mission that ended with ignominious failure in the desert. Obama, by contrast, could only wish for such success.”