PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS: The Chickens Come Home to Roost for Muriel Bowser and Her Pro-BLM Virtue Signaling. “DC’s mayor says nation’s capital is up to 400 cops short and ‘we have policies that make it difficult to recruit new officers.’”

Related: Democratic congressman suffers the consequences of his actions. “Cockburn probably need not mention the irony of members of the political party who have been sympathetic to defunding the police becoming the victims of crime. [Democrats Henry Cuellar and Angie Craig] have rhetorically opposed the Defund the Police movement, but also both voted for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, a sweeping overhaul of policing in America that would have removed qualified immunity from police officers and ‘redirect funding to community-based policing programs,’ according to NPR. Local police departments that did not comply with the new policing standards laid out by the bill would ‘lose access to federal policing funding,’ said Vox. The bill ultimately did not become law, but on the local level, Democrats have installed progressive prosecutors and shrugged at rising crime.”