WHAT, ALLOW DUE PROCESS? Campus Inquisitors Worried They Might Have to Conduct Fair Trials.  Now that a court has allowed a former Yale student to proceed with his defamation lawsuit against the university and a woman who accused him of rape, campus bureaucrats and “women’s rights advocates” are fretting that women will be discouraged from making accusations against men if they have to face cross-examination. (The Yale student was expelled after the Title IX hearing, which allowed no cross-examination, but then acquitted by a jury in a criminal trial that allowed cross-examination.)

A board member of the Association of Title IX Administrators described cross-examination as a “basically worthless” procedure — which tells you just how much respect these administrators have for equal treatment under the law. Can you imagine anyone arguing that a woman accused of a crime was not entitled to the fundamental right to cross-examine her accuser? It’s one more example of how both sexes are biased against men, as I point out in “The Misogyny Myth.”