QUESTION ASKED: Dems Prepping for a New Veep? Pelosi Repeatedly Refuses to Say Harris Is Old Joe’s Best Running Mate.

Nancy Pelosi (D-Smirnoff) is no longer speaker of the House, at least for the moment, but there is no doubt that the octogenarian insider trader still wields considerable influence within the party of madness and treason, popularly known as “the Democrats.” And so it was by no means a trivial incident on Wednesday when Pelosi refused to affirm that Kamala Harris was the best running mate for Old Joe Biden. Could the party of Antifa and drag queens be preparing to throw Kamala under the bus and bring in someone who can more plausibly serve as president once Old Joe finally gives up his act and stops pretending to be the man in charge? It’s entirely possible.

On CNN, Anderson Cooper asked Pelosi what should have been a softball question, a prelude to Queen Absolut praising The Cackler to the skies and reassuring the American people about what a noble, inspiring leader the Figurehead-In-Waiting really is. Cooper’s question: “Is Vice President Harris the best running mate for this president?” But instead of taking the cue to gush over Kamala, Pelosi responded: “He thinks so. And that’s what matters.”

Jamie Raskin goes even further:

And this is what they’re telling CNN:

She’ll always have The View, though: ‘We’re Not Interchangeable!’ Sunny Hostin Says Biden Will Lose Black Vote If He Ditches Harris As VP.

