PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS: San Francisco politician Hillary Ronen forced to apologize to 15-year-old gun victim’s mother after she helped his killer by ‘writing a letter for him’ in the days after the murder.

A San Francisco politician has apologized to a 15-year-old gun victim’s mother after she helped his killer by writing a letter to a judge after the brutal murder.

Hillary Ronen, a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, helped the killer Fernando Madrigal weeks after he shot and killed high school freshmen Day’von Hann from a car while prowling for rivalling gang members in July 2019.

The politician and attorney admitted she ‘wrote a letter without doing her due diligence’ before Madrigal was indicted by the US Attorney’s Office in December 2020. He pleaded guilty to the murder – and is awaiting sentencing.

I’m shocked, shocked! Rosen has never exhibited behavior like this before, except when she has:  Shot: defund the police; Chaser: I am begging for more police.

Liberals are never, ever held to account.

It depends upon what day of the week it is. On some, Rosen wants to defund the police. On others, she’d like many more officers, please:

Riots for thee, but not for me, in other words.