BIDEN’S BETRAYAL OF 9/11: Biden robbed 9/11 families, freed an alternate 9/11 hijacker, and gave $2B to the Taliban. Now he’s boycotting the official commemorations.

In an exclusive investigation, Front Page Magazine reported that when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, 9/11 families became able to collect damages from the country’s bank reserves that were located in New York. Biden’s decision to enable the Taliban takeover had made it possible for victims to actually collect on a previous judgment against the Taliban.

Biden, reacting with all the ruthless speed that had been completely absent when Americans were trapped behind enemy lines in Kabul, rushed to freeze the money so the families couldn’t collect, apportioned half for “humanitarian aid” to the Afghans (over and above the $800 million he had already provided to the terror zone) and fought 9/11 families in court for the rest.

The Biden administration argued that allowing the 9/11 families to lay claim to the Taliban’s money would interfere with its foreign policy in Afghanistan. The administration created the

“Afghan Fund” in Switzerland with half of the money that Biden stole from 9/11 families. Why Switzerland? Because moving the money abroad, much like Obama’s illegal non-dollar ransom payments to Iran, was a way of avoiding congressional and judicial oversight.

That a presidential administration seized $3.5 billion from 9/11 families, moved it to Switzerland (in the tradition of Nazi war criminals) and set it up as a Swiss nonprofit not subject to American laws ought to have been one of the biggest stories, instead it’s been relentlessly buried. The fund’s board members include only one U.S. official, making the United States a minority, and the board only met three times as of earlier this year raising issues about what the fund is doing.

Related: Joe Biden Visited Ground Zero On 9/12/2001–In His Own Mind:

At least he didn’t compare his kitchen fire or the perils his Corvette found itself in to the troops, most of whom wouldn’t be old enough to remember the events of that fateful day. Instead they can remember that time a president visited them in Alaska to recount a Walter Mitty fantasy.

So where was Joe Biden on September 12th? “Exactly where he wanted: in the U.S. Senate.”

Biden didn’t arrive at Ground Zero until September 20th:

Do we blame this latest lie by the (p)resident on Trunalimunumaprzure, a speechwriter trying to condense events, or perhaps a bit of both?