YES: Beware the Special Counsel’s New Indictment Plans for Hunter Biden.

It’s the tax and financial crimes and misconduct that strike closer to the heart of the Biden family enrichment scheme, which is the more meaningful and growing scandal. Some razzle-dazzle of a gun charge, absent any serious pursuit of illegal activity related to financial dealings and foreign agent non-disclosures, could easily be interpreted as a deliberate distraction. A diversion, if you will. The DOJ’s ability to spare Hunter Biden any serious charges, while also protecting his father’s political and legal standing, fell apart with the defunct plea deal. Hunter Biden may now get his wrist slapped quite a bit harder than everyone involved would have liked (defense and prosecution alike) because, essentially, they got caught.

But the real smoke would engulf the Biden family ‘business,’ and that related financial paper trail. If Weiss stops at a new gun charge — look, a bright shiny object — plus the tax misdemeanors already listed in the previous compact, that would strike me as yet another face-saving political exercise. Indeed, it could be interpreted as Weiss coming “a little bit harder at Hunter Biden (while still taking care to insulate ‘the Big Guy),” while still serving the Biden DOJ’s overriding “inclination to protect the Bidens to the greatest extent possible.” In short, I recommend tapping the breaks on any premature celebrations over newfound “accountability,” carefully scrutinizing the fine print of whatever might emerge in a forthcoming indictment, then watching to see whether or not the Special Counsel probe then effectively ends.

If the Weiss investigation proceeds as it has thus far, expect this sacrificial lamb move to be the extent of it.

Congress can and will continue its investigation but with the Dem-controlled DOJ back in “wingman” mode for the Biden crime family, that’s probably about as much as anyone can expect.