● Shot: Biden makes appeal to unions as possible UAW strike looms over 2024 reelection bid.
—The Washington Examiner, today.
● Chaser: Pete Buttigieg Wants You to Stop Driving Cars.
No gas stoves, no gas-powered cars, and no beer are just a few things the Biden Administration has put the kibosh on.
The Democrat-controlled White House is now fear-mongering Americans into believing all cars cause climate change and promote racism and should, therefore, be banned.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg appointed an Obama-era group made up of 24 “leading experts” to advise him on “transportation equity,” claiming the privilege of owning a car ignites “systemic racism” and should be banned because of their negative impact on the environment.
Members of the Advisory Committee on Transportation Equity include “spatial policy scholar” Andrea Marpillero-Colomina, who says, “All cars are bad” and calls for “zero emission transit.”
However, she told the Free Beacon that she is not “advocating for a complete erasure” of cars but hopes to convince Buttigieg to re-direct the U.S. from relying on private motor vehicles.
—Townhall, today.
Why isn’t Biden supporting the UAW’s strike, then?