GREAT MOMENTS IN STATE-RUN MEDIA: NPR Moves Its Goal Posts On Senility From Trashing Trump’s Age To Defending Biden’s Decline.

NPR tried to reassure Americans that their commander in chief, who has suffered several notable spills in recent months, forgets certain people have died, and speaks in lies sprinkled with gibberish, is just taking normal precautions to avoid “bad optics.”

“Using the safer stairs is common sense, says an aging expert,” one of the article’s subheads suggested.

The publication conceded that “recent presidents mostly used the tall stairs” to enter the iconic aircraft but defended short stairs for Biden as a procedural decision that benefits everyone and should alarm no one.

“When Biden is asked about his age, he often says, ‘Watch me.’” Last week, while he was on vacation, he twice went to pilates and spin classes at a fitness studio called Pelodog. And then he boarded Air Force One to return to Washington, using the short stairs,” NPR states.

The author even quoted Obama adviser David Axelrod, who said he “isn’t convinced voters will care about this,” in an attempt to beef up its case for Biden.

“You don’t measure presidents by their ability to navigate steps,” Axelrod declared. “You elect presidents based on their ability to navigate problems.”

Really? The first season of Saturday Night Live crucified Jerry Ford every week for precisely that.