THE WAGES OF BIDEN’S INCOMPETENCE AND CORRUPTION: (1) The Biden Administration’s Afghanistan Bug-Out Continues to Have Disastrous Consequences and (2) The Biden Administration’s Destruction of American Soft Power. Remember, leftists are big advocates of “soft power.”

From the second essay:

Quiet encouragement, demonstrating responsible behavior (leading by example), cultural attraction and generosity have always been U.S. diplomatic tools. The Eisenhower administration, pursuing a policy of “contact with the captive peoples,” sent American athletes and jazz musicians to Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe. Dizzy Gillespie and Dave Brubeck were both “jazz ambassadors.” Ike himself understood America’s and the West’s cultural attraction was an instrument of power in a struggle with communist tyranny. No contest. Rock ‘n’ roll beats lifeless socialist realist art.


U.S. diplomats argue the rule of law forwards genuine internal stability. Fragile developing countries seeking internal stability should emulate America’s judicial system of honest courts and police forces. Eliminating corruption will strengthen all domestic institutions. The U.S. and other donor nations often demand countries receiving economic assistance confront and reduce internal corruption. Ukraine is the most notable example, while Congo is another.

My point: Joe Biden’s personal corruption in Ukraine “…undermined a U.S. soft-power diplomatic operation.” Read both essays and ponder.