DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT HISTORY: Al Sharpton tries to use Thomas Jefferson, James Madison to slam Trump — but he gets mocked into oblivion over clear problem.

Al Sharpton wants you to imagine if Thomas Jefferson or James Madison, two of the founding fathers, had overthrown a government.

Reacting to former President Donald Trump’s third criminal indictment on MSNBC, Sharpton on Wednesday tried to provide meta-perspective about the significance of what is happening.

“This is just as low as it gets. I’ve never heard of three cases on one individual in three jurisdictions, so this is serious,” he said

“But on the other side of it: One day, our children’s children will read American history, and can you imagine our reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government so they could stay in power?” he continued. “This is narcissism with steroids, and to think that he could get this whole country divided and split, and commit these crimes and have others commit crimes off his own self-aggrandizement, is as sick as it gets.”

Sharpton’s comments invited a wave of mockery because, after all, literally every American can imagine Jefferson and Madison overthrowing a government because that’s exactly what they did.

I’m not sure if Al Sharpton is who NBC wants to have discussing riots and protests: