THE HULL DEFICIT AND DAVIDSON WINDOW OF VULNERABILITY: Time for Beltway Admirals to Think About War 2025, Not Paper Fleet 2045

Part 2 in a series. Here’s a link to Part 1: Confronting China’s Rising Strength on the Seas

Insightful people like Dr. Andrew Marshall thought about communist China’s emerging threat in the 1990s. From Part 1:

In late 1992 I was serving as a strategic war-gaming consultant in the Secretary of Defense’s Office of Net Assessments. Net Assessments director, the great Andrew Marshall, gave his consultants a long-term thought experiment: How could the U.S. fight and win a war for national survival against China circa 2020 or 2025?

The hull deficit is real.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): It’s troubling when bloggers are talking logistics and force structure, while actual generals and admirals are talking pronouns and diversity.