IT’S ALWAYS IN THE LAST PLACE YOU LOOK: A Giant Planet Seems to Be Lurking Unseen in Our Solar System.
When we look at really distant objects, such as dwarf planets beyond Pluto, we find their orbits are a little unexpected. They move on very large elliptical (oval-shaped) orbits, are grouped together, and exist on an incline compared to the rest of the Solar System.
When astronomers use a computer to model what gravitational forces are needed for these objects to move like this, they find that a planet at least ten times the mass of Earth would have been required to cause this.
It is super-exciting stuff! But then the question is: where is this planet?
The problem we have now is trying to confirm if these predictions and models are correct. The only way to do that is to find Planet Nine, which is definitely easier said than done.
Clyde Tombaugh discovered the ninth planet in 1930 and named it Pluto. Wherever Planet 10 is to be found, it might require traveling through the 8th dimension to get there.