It’s hot. I use the AC in my car when I’m leaving the office. Turn it high, open the windows, blast out all the hot air. Today the temp in the car was quite hot, so I opened the moon roof as well, and hit the Le Mans curve at a speed that was probably a tad over the limit. It’s a great patch of road, with gentle curves, and it’s fun to punch it. I don’t overdo it, because I saw a Highway Patrol car in a secret location six years ago and now expect it every time, but it’s a liberating feeling to rocket out of downtown on the open road, warm wind streaming out, cold air blasting my face, something exhilarating on the music system. The whole thing lasts maybe a minute.
It is, I know, terribly irresponsible, but now and then a man has to channel his inner Captain Pike: hit it.
The use of air conditioning, and a car, makes me a bad person, I know. Which brings me to something related.
Read the whole thing.