BUT IT’S A DRY HELL: Jon Gabriel: You don’t have to be nuts to endure an Arizona summer. But it sure helps.

The Valley enjoyed a surprisingly mild summer this year. Then July hit.

Our weather apps buzz daily about “excessive heat warnings” followed by our smartphones shutting off until we head back inside. No return of our record-breaking 122 degrees; at least not yet. As I write, it’s a balmy 111.

Still, “King of the Hill” best expressed non-Arizonans’ view of our city. Bobby Hill shouted to his parents, “111 degrees?! Phoenix really can’t be that hot, can it?” then steps out of car.

“Oh my God, it’s like standing on the sun!”

“This city should not exist,” his mom replies. “It is a monument to man’s arrogance.”

Which are pretty ironic lines for a cartoon that was set in Texas.