CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Gun group tells residents to consider moving from blue state after lawmaker proposes gun control bill.

The 140-page omnibus bill, An Act of Modernizing Firearm Laws, makes sweeping changes to Massachusetts gun laws. This includes mandating that all firearms and feeding devices be registered, banning people under 21 from buying or carrying a semi-automatic shotgun or rifle, banning concealed carry of firearms on private property unless expressly permitted and much more.

“This is real bad news for any gun owner that lives in Massachusetts,” Hein said. “Basically, pack your bags and leave because it’s untenable if this thing passes.”

The National Association for Gun Rights issued a travel advisory for anyone who lives in Massachusetts or is traveling to Massachusetts because of the bill last week.

The bill also cracks down on firearm-adjacent areas including banning targets with human silhouettes at ranges, banning people under the age of 18 from possessing mace or pepper spray and adding stun guns under the definition of firearms.

“So what this bill will actually do is prohibit a young high school girl from being able to defend herself with even mace,” Hein said.

“I think the states are trying to ban stun guns because I honestly think they just want to leave you defenseless,” he added.

To state power, yes.