QUESTION ASKED: Is Al Franken trying to dunk on the Supreme Court’s gay marriage website decision?

So… we are pretty sure he is dunking on the decision and probably Ms. Smith herself. But there are several problems. First, Ms. Smith has not, to our knowledge, said anything bad about Jews. Second, she had a web design business, she was merely talking about expanding it to create wedding websites, so we don’t know where the “non-existent” comment comes from.

But third, and most basically, is he arguing that he the law should force him to ‘write homophobic & anti-Semitic jokes to express her hostility to gay-marriage & Jews in general’? Is that the outcome he prefers?

Or here’s a fourth option: He is a moron who thinks in a remarkably shallow manner.

Buried lede: Accidentally (of course), Al actually got something right!