DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: Professor Ordered To Complete Free Speech Training After Failing Student For Using ‘Biological Woman.’

For a final project, [Adjunct instructor Melanie Nipper, 29] asked students to pick a research topic on feminism, and [Olivia] Krolczyk proposed to study women’s rights in athletics, from securing women’s place in the Olympic Games to trans-identifying men in women’s sports.

Nipper told the sophomore chemistry major, “Olivia, this is a solid proposal. However, the terms “biological women” are exclusionary and are not allowed in this course as they further reinforce heteronormativity. Please reassess your topic and edit it to focus on women’s rights (not just “females”) and I’ll regrade.”

“How am I supposed to do my project if I can’t use the term ‘biological women?’” Krolczyk questioned in her TikTok video.

The sophomore reported the incident to the school, and the university’s Gender Equality Office agreed to have a different professor grade Krolczyk’s assignment.  Krolczyk eventually finished Nipper’s class with an A.
