OLD AND BUSTED: Republicans Pounce and Seize!

The New Hotness? The AP Thinks That Conservatives ‘Conjure up’ Communist Enemies.

“Lashing out after his arraignment on federal charges last week, Donald Trump took aim at President Joe Biden and Democrats with language that seemed to evoke another era: He was being persecuted, he said, by ‘Marxists’ and ‘communists,’” writes the AP’s Ali Swenson.

It’s so unfair for Trump and others to compare the left to communists, Swenson asserts, and she explains why.

“Trump has used the labels since he first appeared on the political scene, but it lately has become an omnipresent attack line that also has been deployed by other Republicans,” she continues. “The rhetoric is both inaccurate and potentially dangerous because it attempts to demonize an entire party with a description that has long been associated with America’s enemies.”

Swenson cites “experts” — because we all know that there’s an “expert” to back up anything the left wants to claim is true — including a Canadian professor who said that “red-baiting is as American as apple pie in political communications.” It’s enough to make you feel sorry for the poor babies, isn’t it?

Here’s the thing: overblown rhetoric is a fact of political life and has been for a long time. Sure, these people may not be actual communists, but the Democrats continue to rush headlong toward the far left, which does align them more closely with communists than with anyone on the right.

Ever since Barack Obama brought the concept of “community organizing” into the forefront of politics, the modern left has built much of its modus operandi around Marxist teaching and philosophy. Witness the most egregious grassroots movement on the left these days, which encompasses Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the domestic terrorists in Atlanta.

Related: Colin Kaepernick Says He Joined With Marxists To Edit New Book Because ‘Black Liberation Simply Isn’t Possible Under Capitalism.’