CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Armed IRS agents raid Montana gun shop, seize gun purchase records.

Armed IRS agents seized dozens of boxes of ATF form 4473s from Highwood Creek Outfitters in Great Falls, Montana, last Wednesday, prompting concern and criticism from both Montana officials and gun owners.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen told Breitbart News that the IRS seizure of gun owner documents is “extremely concerning” because it appears to “exceed” the search warrant that was issued, which “limited the scope of the search to financial records.”

“These aren’t financial records, they’re records of lawful firearm purchases,” he said. “What the hell does the IRS need with 4473s? We know the ATF in Washington, DC is trying to scoop up as many of these purchase records as possible, and that’s what it looks like they’re trying to do here.”

With records like those, the IRS won’t have any trouble keeping all those new agents busy.