TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! Report: Biden Says So Many Weird, Incoherent Things That His Own Aides Are Perplexed.

You have to love the idea that randomly pleading for the queen as a US politician ending a speech is just an “old-timey expression.” I’ve got grandparents. I’ve never heard them say that, and you’d expect people from the South to be even more into folksy sayings. Why did Biden actually say what he said? No one knows, and that’s the point.

The [Axios] article in question then dropped this absolute gem of a paragraph. Truly, this might be one of the most amazing things I’ve seen written in the political press public.

Biden’s quirky aphorisms are sometimes weaponized by Republicans to insinuate the 80-year-old president is in mental decline. But Biden has been using unique phrases for years — but even some of his aides aren’t exactly sure what he means by them.
