DAVID MARCUS: We’re choking on your idiocy, Mr Trudeau – Canadian wildfire smoke is burning our lungs because of YOUR incompetence… and no amount of greenwashing can mask the inconvenient truth.

There is not a single plank in the green platform that will fix this mess over the next four or five decades as we wait for rising temperatures to ease – if that even happens.

Net Zero by 2050 is poor consolation for the millions in Gotham, who are choking their way to work in a facemask that at least serves a purpose this time.

Electric buses and wind power 10 years from now won’t restore missed school days or ease the breathing of asthmatics today.

What Ottawa’s Captain Planet and the rest of the ‘Blame Climate Change Squad’ don’t want you to know is that there is a solution for right now. And it’s one that our inept, self-described saviors have been ignoring.

For years, Canadian parks officials have been warning that their country does not do enough to cull its forests and now we’re witnessing the catastrophic results.

It’s simple really. Edward Struzik, author of ‘Dark Days at Noon, The Future of Fire’ lays it out well.

‘We have been suppressing fires for so many decades in North America that we have forests that are older than they should be,’ he said. ‘We have dead and dying trees that are more vulnerable to increasing temperatures.’

‘Prescribed burns are one of the best ways to mitigate the wildfire threat,’ he added.

Did you hear that? We mustn’t wait until we’re all driving flying cars powered by unicorn farts to be free of the smoke.

What graft is there to be had from controlled burns?