IT SURE SOUNDS LIKE IT: Did Ellen ‘Elliot’ Page Just Pull a Jussie Smollett?

As per Page’s account in the Sunday Los Angeles Times, she was at the intersection of Sunset and La Cienega, simply walking to the Pink Dot convenience store, when a stranger approached her.

And yet here, downstairs at his Sunset Strip hotel, he [sic] is less than a mile from the spot where a man on the street threatened to assault him just last year. As he describes in his book, Page, who lives in New York, was standing at the corner of Sunset and La Cienega, taking a quick walk to the Pink Dot convenience store, when a stranger approached.

“I’m going to f—ing gay bash you, f—t,” the man threatened. Terrified, Page began running toward the Pink Dot, where employees ushered him inside. From the other side of the door, the man yelled: “This is why I need a gun!”

“Now when I’m in Los Angeles, I don’t feel comfortable like I used to going for walks,” Page says.

Right… because “I’m going to gay bash you,” is something someone would actually say? For real?

Exit quote: “Hey, at least she didn’t say the man chanted, ‘This is MAGA country!’”