THE DEMAND FOR RACISM STILL VASTLY EXCEEDS THE SUPPLY: More media madness: fake racism edition. “The media LOVES LOVES LOVES to stir up racial hatred. It is their milk and honey, their French wine, their brie and baguette, and their chocolate mousse. Destroying the life of an innocent person, labeling them a racist hatemongering White supremacist is like a Prime Rib dinner with all the fixings, and if you get the person fired it’s time to pop the champagne…Such a story broke onto the internet earlier in the week, as a pregnant nurse coming off a 12-hour shift rented a bike and was accosted by 5 large black men who claimed that she was stealing a bike that they had paid for. Watching that video were are supposed to assume that this nurse was the aggressor, and that is the take that everybody pushed on the Internet and then in the MSM. Shockingly, that was false. Who could have guessed?”