OUT ON A LIMB: Kamala Harris Is the Reason Biden Is Running.

Apparently, “Biden 2024” was not the original plan; passing the torch to Harris was apparently the plan. And now, that plan is unworkable.

Back in March, some unnamed White House official told Reuters’ Jeff Mason and Nandita Bose that Biden “is also convinced that neither Harris nor any other Democratic hopefuls would be able to beat former President Donald Trump if he is the Republican nominee.”

That’s a reasonable fear. Pollsters don’t ask about a hypothetical Trump vs. Harris matchup very often, but when they do, Trump is often ahead by a surprisingly comfortable margin. Although it’s also worth noting that right now, Harris’s job-approval rating in the FiveThirtyEight average is only three points below Biden’s. Maybe Biden likes having Harris around as a scapegoat for his own lousy numbers.

Flashback to America’s Newspaper Of Record: Kamala Disappointed To Learn President In Hospice Is Just Carter.