TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! So now Joe Biden wants to split off Great Britain as an ally?

This weekend, we learned our latest lesson about what happens when Joe Biden’s handlers allow him to off of the script. Like me, you may have thought that Biden’s recent trip to Ireland was just a free vacation on the taxpayer’s dime so he could look at castles. But according to recent comments Biden made at a fundraiser, he was studying the political situation in Great Britain and particularly in Ireland and Northern Ireland, where relations have been strained amid post-Brexit trade discussions. Amazingly, he told people at the fundraiser that he had been over there “making sure the Brits didn’t screw around and Northern Ireland didn’t walk away from their commitments.” Needless to say, when officials in Great Britain heard about this, many of them were simply aghast.

Well, let’s face it, the Brits are okay, I guess, but they’re no Islamic Republic of Iran: Biden Plans to Continue Iran Deal Talks Despite Regime’s Brutal Crackdown.