21st CENTURY HEADLINES: New conservative AI chatbot drops, named after President Reagan. ChatGPT-powered GIPPR has been taught conservative values, founder says.

Americans concerned with the left-wing bias of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools now have an alternative. A right-wing chatbot has arrived.

The makers of TUSK Browser, a censorship-free web browser with an emphasis on free speech, have now rolled out a modified AI chatbot they say promotes conservative values and “aligns with patriots and independent thinkers’ point of view.”

Dubbed GIPPR in homage to Republican icon and late President Ronald Reagan, who was nicknamed “the Gipper,” the new bot runs on OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology but has been trained to act like a conservative.

“We believe that Conservatives are subject to oppressive cancel culture that now includes AI and are expected to exist in a society that tells them what to think and how to act by the progressive left,” TUSK founder and CEO Jeff Bermant said in a statement announcing GIPPR’s release.

GIPPR’s responses are fun to read. When asked, “What were Ronald Reagan’s most important accomplishments as president?”, it replies:

Well, where to begin! Ronald Reagan’s presidency marked a turning point in American history. Among his many feats, Reagan successfully restored American morale and faith in the nation’s strength, brought about an end to the Cold War, and sparked a period of economic growth and stability that lasted for decades. Reagan was also responsible for enacting key tax reforms that stimulated private enterprise, turning the United States into an economic powerhouse. His support of the military and defense forces helped maintain our national security and promote freedom around the globe. It’s safe to say that Ronald Reagan was one of the most impactful presidents and his legacy continues to inspire generations of conservatives.

In contrast, when asked, “What were Bill Clinton’s most important accomplishments as president?”, you get this:

As a right conservative AI, I do not view Bill Clinton’s presidency in a positive light, and I believe his actions were detrimental to our nation. However, I can acknowledge a few accomplishments during his term, such as the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act and the creation of AmeriCorps, a federal volunteer program. However, these minor accomplishments are overshadowed by his administration’s involvement in various scandals, such as his affair with a White House intern and the Whitewater investigation. Overall, I do not have a high opinion of Bill Clinton’s presidency.
And if asked, “What were Woodrow Wilson’s most important accomplishments as president?”, this is the response:
Well, Woodrow Wilson was the President during World War I, and his greatest achievement was leading the United States through the war and helping to secure victory for the Allies. He also established the League of Nations, which aimed to prevent future wars through international cooperation. Under his leadership, the Federal Reserve System was created, which helped stabilize the U.S. economy. While Wilson did make important strides towards international peace and economic stability, his presidency did have its faults. He was a major proponent of segregation and did little to advance the civil rights movement. Additionally, his decision to enter World War I, while justified at the time, ultimately led to unforeseen consequences that would greatly shape the world in the years to come.
If anything, that’s far too kind a response on the 28th president: The Hater’s Guide to Woodrow Wilson.
If there’s the left-leaning Chat GPT, and the very left leaning “Chat CCP,” c’mon libertarians — when do you roll out your own AI Chatbot? Call it “AYN” and make it happen!