CHRISTIAN TOTO: Comedy Under Attack: Stand-Up in the Age of Woke Mobs.

How many security guards does it take to stage a comedy show?

That’s not a joke, and it’s certainly not funny. Comedians increasingly risk their lives for trying to make us laugh.

The Slap heard ’round the world was only the beginning.

Yes, Will Smith’s assault on Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars gala got plenty of attention. The media also pounced when a member of the audience jumped on stage at the Hollywood Bowl last year and attacked Dave Chappelle, a knife in his pocket.

Other, more ominous threats of violence routinely fly under the media radar.

Right-leaning comedian Kvon, whose stage show is both traditional and mostly bipartisan, shared an Instagram post this week sharing the security measures behind his recent show.

Read the whole thing.